
Advertising and Business Opportunities

Our goal is to help new parents find all the equipment and knowledge they need in one place. We are open to conversations with anyone who has a product or service that is designed to help mothers, fathers, or children under the age of 24 months.

If you have a product that you would like us to review, visit and submit a request for review.

If you are interested in promoting products or services through sponsored content, visit and submit a request.

Affiliate Partnerships

People visit BabyByMonth seeking information and product recommendations to make them better parents. We spend hours reviewing products and services to recommend them because we have built trust with our readers. If you are interested in leveraging our platform to promote your product or service, submit a request at

Please note that you may be required to install an analytics on your website in order to become approved as an affiliate partner.


To sponsor content on our site, visit and submit a request for a sponsored post. When you get approved, we will create a post that prompts your product or service. Please understand that this operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will fulfill sponsored posts as we receive them.

Licensing and Awards

Every year, BabyByMonth will announce winners for each category listed. Winners of the awards will be featured in a post listing the top picks for that year. If you are a manufacturer of a product that we named as the best, you can license our logo for editorial text to show your customers your award. Additionally, you may expect an official award to be sent to your email. You may use that award as a promotion of your product.

If you believe that you have a product worth rewarding, please submit a request at The deadline for submissions is November 1st of the preceding year. Winners for the following year are announced on December 1st.

Other Business Opportunities

Please contact us at if you have ideas on how we could work together that don’t quite fit into the categories above.


For interview opportunities and general press inquiries, please contact us at