Affiliate Requests

Promote Your Product to an Established Audience

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Dear Affiliates,

Thanks for wanting to share your product with our audience. The primary purpose of the products we promote is to help new parents and growing babies.

Submitting a Request

If you have a product that you think belongs on our site, feel free to submit a request for affiliate promotion using the form above.

Your approval is influenced by what you say in your request, so be as detailed as possible.

To give yourself the best chances, we highly recommend filling out every field.

Please share as much detail as possible. Include things like what you do, who your product helps, what your product does, and anything else that would help us make an informed decision.

How Does Approval Work?

Our number one goal when promoting products is to always recommend products that are helpful to new parents and growing babies.

If your product is helpful, then it's likely you will get approval fairly easy. Please keep in mind that accurate tracking is necessary to get approval as well.

We will typically respond within 10 business days. Make sure you provide an email that we can reliably reach you by. We also recommend sharing a phone number that accepts both calls and text messages.

Types of Products Promoted

We promote just about anything online that is helpful to our readers. This includes goods, services, courses, programs, and more.

We do not promote anything through affiliate links that requires our readers to be in a specific physical location. This includes things like in-person events like parties, or in-person services like an office.


Being able to track the sales on your site from our affiliate links is a requirement for approval. The easiest way to do this is through major affiliate networks such as,,, and

See a list of all affiliate networks we partner with below.

If you do not have a partnership with an affiliate network, we will require that you install a Google Analytics 4 account on your website that is provided by us.

If you opt to use the analytics integration, you will receive an invoice at the beginning of each month for the amount of sales made on your site from our affiliate links.

Where is it Promoted?

The primary location where we promote products is through product reviews on our blog. However, we also promote products, including affiliate links, through email, social media, and other locations and platforms where our audience is reached.

Please keep in mind that we often use different links depending on the platform used, or sometimes even on the specific post.

Please keep in mind that we may require additional resources such as images, videos, illustrations, or other assets in order to accurately promote your product.

When Will It Be Posted?

We do not guarantee that your affiliate link will be posted at any specific time. While affiliate links are typically used quickly, it can sometimes take a little longer depending on content schedules. If you prefer that your affiliate link be used immediately, we recommend having a look at leveraging sponsored content.

Analytics & Reporting

We do not typically provide analytics and reporting from our end unless it is necessary or your request it. If Analytics is needed to show traffic going to the affiliate link, we are happy to provide that.

Affiliate Networks We Partner With

We do not use affiliate networks outside of this list.