Best Product Awards

Got Something Good? Let Us Know!

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Thank You,

Thank you for wanting to rank your work up their with the best.

Once a year, we review everything the market has to offer and provide our readers with a comprehensive list of what we believe is the best.

If you believe that your product is one of the best to offer, let us know and it will be put in the running for the top rated reviews.

Submitting a Request

The deadline for submitting a request is November 1st. We announce the winners in December.

If you have a product that you think deserves a reward, feel free to submit a request for the best product of the year using the form above.

To help us make an informed decision, please fill out every field and provide as much detail as possible.

Also, please understand that submitting a request is not required to be in the running. If you have made a product that happens to catch our eye, we may list it as one of the best.

Winning Categories and Announcement

When we announce winnings, we will list our top recommended products for our readers to buy. The three categories for competing are the Best Overall, Best Value, and Most Affordable.

Best Overall - Money isn't an issue here. This category promotes the best offer that money can buy. If you have perfected your product, put it in the listing, even if it costs an arm and a leg.

Best Value - This award goes to the product that strikes the perfect balance between cost and value. The product is still very good quality, but it doesn't spend money where it isn't necessary.

Most Affordable - This award targets the budget-conscious parent. If you have done everything possible to reduce the cost of the product while still producing something that gets the job done, put it here. It doesn't need to be pretty, and it doesn't need to have any bells or whistles. It does what it needs to, and nothing more.

All of our winners will be announced in a blog post. You may receive an email informing you that your product won. If your product wins, you are free to use the award you won for advertising purposes.

Winning Criteria

The primary criteria we consider is "is this product helpful to our readers?"

Beyond that, other things that may impact winning include:

  • Quality of product
  • Ease of use
  • Availability in US
  • Cost
  • Customer reviews
  • Manual testing by our team
  • Durability
  • Portability
  • Comfortability
  • Washability
  • Stain resistance
  • Maintenance
  • Customer service

When Will It Be Posted?

Winners are scheduled to be posted in December before the year begins.

There may delays in the post depending on testing and other variables.

Affiliate Links

We do not require affiliate links for our winners. However, affiliate links may be used in our listings. Please understand that affiliate links are not a requirement for winning. If you would like an affiliate partnership with us, consider looking at our affiliate page.